Carved from Ash Wood, thisstatue represents the god Tyr, the Norse god of war but alsothe god who, more than any other, presides over matters of law and justice.. He is known to be a brave warrior and member of the Aesir who sacrificed his arm to chain the wolf Fenrir, in the tale of The Binding of Fenrir.
Tyr’s role as one of the principal war gods of the Norse, like Odin andThor, is well-attested in sources from the Viking Age and earlier. For example, in theSigrdrífumál, one of the poems in the Poetic Edda, the ValkyrieSigrdrifa instructs the human hero Sigurd to invoke Tyr for victory in battle.
The rune that represents him isTiwaz. To rule justly, one is asked to make many self-sacrifices, and Tiwaz can develop the power of positive self-sacrifice and temper over-sacrifice. The belief that courage and a right cause carries the day is governed by Tiwaz. It is the common justice of the people rather than the use of law by tyrants (a word that uses Tyr as a root)
Tyr is still present in modern language by being the origin of Tuesday which stemsfrom Old English “Day ofTiw(Tyr)” (Tiwesdg).